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(scroll down for various “Cues from the Coaches” marriage articles)


Questions from followers of “A Better Us”

(TO submit a question - CLICK HERE)


QUESTION 1: I am trying to recover from an extramarital affair. I have sought counselling but my husband who had the affair doesn't want to attend counselling with me. I am truly having a hard time. I am asking for prayer and any advice that would help me to get past this. Also how I may be able to help my husband understand that we need counselling?


QUESTION 2: Could you give me some advice on how to make my marriage work better? My husband has been retired for over 3 years now, and we sit in separate rooms and he hardly speaks to me every day. I know he loves me, but it is just the way he doesn't seem to want to be with me. I suggest a game, a movie, with no response. My first marriage ended in divorce due to alcoholism, now I have been married to my new husband for 26 years. I know I have married my best friend and want to be together with him again.


QUESTION 3: My husband and I just had our 34th anniversary. We had our first child 11 months after we were married. Just recently we allowed our first grandchild to go back and live with his mom. So, in 34 yrs, we have not been alone. We are just now experiencing an empty nest! My husband and I have struggled since we were married, and that has not stopped. What is sad is our intimacy is gone… has been for several years. Now that our nest is empty, our focus has to be on each other, and I don't think we are happy with what we see. What can we do before we realize we don't want to be together anymore?


QUESTION 4: I’ve been watching your show and I love it! You have been talking about forgiveness in marriage and have been talking about forgiving every day. That is really good for small things. Seven months ago my husband was caught looking at pornography. He was immediately so repentant and has completely given his life once again to Christ in a totally new way. He had come to a low in his life, as his work wasn’t going well, he broke his foot etc., and just fell into that sin for about six months. He realizes it was not good. We have been married for 37 years. It is much harder for me to forgive than I thought it would be. We did go for some individual therapy…and a few sessions together. Please pray for me that I would be able to forgive my husband. I just wanted you to know that it’s not always as easy as forgiving every day. There are big issues that are so hard to deal with, and I’m sure you realize that. He feels forgiven and freer than he has ever felt. But it’s hard through my emotions to deal with the aftermath. What advice do you have for me?


“Cues from the Coaches”

MARRIAGE Articles:

To Date or Not to Date?… That is the Question

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Couples who continue their habit of dating, even long after the wedding is over, find that their level of marital satisfaction increases. It’s a proven way to strengthen, enhance and even help restore your marriage. Read on to find out how and why dating your spouse is so powerful… READ

Your Marriage Bucket List

ARTICLE SUMMARY: Just because you’ve been married 5 years, 10 years or even several decades, doesn’t mean your relationship can’t benefit from some intentional time and effort invested in recapturing some of the romance you may have lost in the busyness of everyday life. Read THIS ARTICLE to discover some ideas for rekindling romance, creating some “together” time and enhancing your marriage… READ

We’re on a Mission

ARTICLE SUMMARY: A mission is defined as an important task or a job that is accompanied by a strong sense of conviction; a pre-established objective or purpose. It implies a sense of being entrusted with something very important. In marriage we have embarked on a mission whether we’re aware of it or not. We have a pre-established objective and should have a strong sense of conviction about it. Read on to find out how you can focus on your marriage mission… READ

Appearance or Substance?

SUMMARY: When we get married, we speak words intended to demonstrate our dedication, loyalty, devotion and commitment to each other. However, as the years roll by, we can lose track of these promises and find ourselves going through the motions of commitment as an obligation, not with the sweet joy of love we felt on our wedding day. So what’s the solution? Read this edition of “Cues From The Coaches” to find out… READ

What Did You Say?

SUMMARY: Being a good communicator takes practice and deliberate attention to the task at hand. We are often completely unaware of the messages we send when we speak to each other. This can have far reaching effects on our marriages. Read on to find out how you can learn to be a good communicator in your marriage… READ

Always Is Never True

SUMMARY: When our emotions run high, we’re often not in touch with what we’re really feeling. How can you communicate your true feelings without damaging your relationship? Read on to find out why always is never true!… READ

Adjust Your Focus

SUMMARY: Making regular deposits in your savings account for emergencies is a smart way to handle finances. When a conflict arises, positive interactions and sincere appreciation between you is like “money in the bank” for your marriage. It can have an important impact on the way the conversation goes and whether the conflict is resolved. Want to find out why adjusting your focus is such an important conflict resolution skill to develop? Read on to find out… READ